Two posts in one week! This is going to break my english and vocabulary skills. :) But we would like to update you on the situation. On Thursday after consultation with all the involved doctors, Rob and I made the decision to go ahead with the next chemotherapy treatment. We know it is the only way to go forward in this fight with cancer but obviously for known reasons it was made with some nervousness. So yesterday Rob received his chemo, a one day treatment, the same type as the very first round that happened now about 7 weeks ago. He didn't have too many side affects that time other than nausea so we are hoping that with the new drug they are going to give him this time they can keep his nausea manageable. With much thankfulness we can say so far so good. Robs been eating his 3 meals a day and even had a special request for his mom's cabbage casserole yesterday for supper. We ask for your prayers that this will continue and that the chemo will have the desired effect. The hopes are that his lung drainage function will improve after this treatment. There are no guarantees for this but it is our prayer too that our God will bless this also.
People wonder how we are actually doing; we most definitely have struggles in this. It's hard, we see life go on all around us and sometimes wish for even just one day of normalcy. We are not extraordinary people. We know this is not something that most couples have to deal with a year after being married. Yet we have an extraordinary God. He numbers the hairs on our heads, He is in control, in fact '...all the days ordained for me were written in His book before one of them came to be.' (from Psalm 139) Isn't that amazing? We don't know how this will end up, we have so much hope that God will bring us through this and let us grow old together. But we also rest in the comfort that His will be done. Please pray that we will never lose sight of that comfort.
Someone who encourages us more than they know reminded us of Psalm 63:2 from our Book of Praise. The words from the 'old' edition which we memorized as kids often floats through our minds and reminds us again of our purpose and the comfort that we have...
Psalm 63:2 "Thy steadfast love is better farthan life itself, O God my SaviourThy faithfulness will never waverMy lips Thy praises will declareWith joyful singing I will bless TheeAnd all my life Thy love proclaimWith hands uplifted in Thy NameI will in thankful prayer address Thee."