Sunday, 2 December 2012

Update #8

Dear family and friends,

Wow, what a roller coaster of emotions we have all been through over the past 3 days. A lot of you have been praying, and again our gracious God has seen fit to answer as always above and beyond what we hope for. 

Rob had one round of chemo on Wednesday and his only response was quite extreme drowsiness. So the plan was to complete the exact treatment on Thursday as well. Rob was still drowsy when they started on thursday but after not even an hour into it started showing signs of confusion. They immediately stopped the chemo and over the course of the afternoon and night kept monitoring him along with sending him for a CT scan of the head. After getting more and more confused all night long, he also got quieter and after they called me in early Friday morning he was quite unresponsive.

At first the doctors thought he was having seizures but after an EEG and another CT they ruled out that option as unlikely. They thought there was maybe infection in the fluid of the lining of the brain or maybe a possible spread of cancer to the lining of the brain. Or that this was a severe reaction to the chemotherapy drugs.

Alot of family came to be with us Friday evening which was a blessing. We had no idea what to expect but very much felt upheld in our Heavenly Fathers arms. The doctors were very frank and said that since Rob was so sick he very well might not make it through the night. Words cannot express the emotions which go through ones mind in times like these.

However God in his all knowing and ever loving ways kept Rob throughout the night. By the time morning came around Rob started to come around and showed signs of recognition. He knew my name and that I was his wifey, so I knew from that he'd be ok (he wouldn't dare forget me :) By mid morning he was talking in clearer sentences, and although he'd lapse occasionally and repeat words it was clear he was making progress.
The doctors have mostly come to the conclusion that this is a reaction to his chemotherapy drug. Dr Wong dropped by at one point and had very positive comments that though this was a scare he was sure Rob would be over this in a couple days with no ill effects. He will change the treatment to not include that one particular drug, but otherwise chemo will commence again in the course of weeks.

Rob cannot remember the past couple of days and still has slow speech but this will get better over a day or two we've been told. He was very surprised to see his two brothers from out west this morning as he had no idea they were coming. This is very special to the both of us. Rob keeps apologizing to his mom and myself for giving us such a scare, and by doing this shows the true 'Rob' again. :)

We are certainly praying for more restored health and strength. God has brought us this far and we feel confidant that his plan for our lives is not over yet. 

All of the above I wrote late last night. I was too tired to finish and post it though. We are thankful to see improvement today again even though Rob had a sleepless night last night. So in between family visiting he's been catching short naps all day. His speech is improving and he is remembering more things about this past week which he had not remembered yesterday. All in all we can only be so thankful to our gracious God for his continued care over Rob. He is the Healer, the Great Physician. Rob says that he feels he has the best possible care, from the staff here at St. Boniface and more importantly from our Heavenly Father. 

There is so much comfort that we receive and continue to receive from Gods Word. These words from our Book of Praise from Hymn 64 are very familiar and a good reminder and encouragement for us all.

1.What is in life and death my only aid,
my comfort when I am by troubles swayed?
I am not mine but Christ’s, who fully paid
for all my sins and saved me.
His precious blood for my offences gave he,
freed me from all the devil’s power and slavery,
for in the book of life God did engrave me,
and me his own he made.
2.My faithful Saviour keeps me in his care;
without my Father’s will cannot a hair
fall from my head; he shall for me prepare
a heavenly habitation.
All things must serve to further my salvation.
His Holy Spirit brings me consolation;
he makes me willing now with dedication  
in hope his yoke to bear.


  1. kidding on the emotion roller coaster!! What a comfort it is (also to us) that you are finding such joy and comfort in the love of our Heavenly Father! You both (and your families) are always on our hearts and minds....we love you two and we pray for you everyday...Continue to look to our Faithful Saviour, you belong to Him!!!

  2. WOW!!!!!!!!!Such a tense time.I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father that your comfort lies in Lord's Day 1.Also I continue to lay your needs before the throne of God each day.So beautiful that his brothers surprised him with a visit.
    May our Father in Heaven continue to walk beside you all as you go thru this valley in your lives.

  3. Thinking of you and praying for you. May God our Father continue to grant much strength and also grant healing.
    Will & Marcia Wildeboer

  4. You certainly have been on a roller coaster. What a joy to read, though, that your faith and Rob's as well as other family members is so unshakable. Thanks be to God for that! May our Heavenly Father continue to uphold and strengthen you and may you continue to rely on Him for all things.

  5. Dear Friends: When we most need to pray, we feel least capable of praying. It is difficult to pray confidently when our heart is heavy. But, praise be to God, answered prayer is due not to the completeness of our prayer, but to the goodness of Him who hears. We may not think that our weeping heart can pray effectively, but does a shiny key open a lock better than a tarnished one? It is not how much or how well we pray, but simply that we pray! Prayer in the valley of the shadow of death" confirms that the Shepherd is indeed with you. Jesus said, "Ask and it shall be given you" (Luke 11:9) Simply whisper a prayer for comfort, for strength, for wisdom, for rest, for peace, and you will feel the Master's touch. We are sure that you have felt that these past days. His "rod and staff" will comfort you and strengthen you. We daily lay your needs before God's throne.
    Fred and Jane Breukelman

  6. Rob&Felicia,
    God has placed you on a roller coaster - but He is still in control! Let that be your continuing source of strength and encouragement. It is our prayer that He will give wisdom to the medical staff and that the treatment you receive may have the desired results. We continue to pray for you and your families as you continue through this trial.
