Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Update #18

Dear all,

We're coming up to chemo round #9 this week. Rob is scheduled to go into hospital tonight and have his treatment tomorrow. Things have been going really well, Rob has enjoyed a short burst of energy in between his last few treatments and we can honestly say that after every treatment so far he is improving in physical strength. So thankful!

We met with our doctor this week to hear more about the results of the CT scan that Rob had two weeks ago. Dr. Wong is extremely happy with the way things are going, the scan showed that the cancer has not progressed at all, that it is stable. We asked again about the possibility of surgery and Dr. Wong said that the tumor would have to shrink a significant amount yet before that is an option. Of course while we would have liked to hear that the tumor has shrunk significantly, the doctors are happy with how its going and we are too.

People often ask us how many more rounds of chemo there will be and like we explain every time, we simply don't know. The doctor doesn't know, and we don't know. The plan is to continue with this treatment until the cancer has shrunk; and if at one point they detect that the tumor isn't responding to this chemo, they will switch it over to a different regiment of drugs and keep going. As you can imagine, the not-knowing of any type of time frame can sometimes be harder to deal with than to know. We ask for your prayers that in this we also may put our complete faith and trust in God's promises and that He will continue to give us peace and strength for the journey yet ahead.

Another step forward for which we are thankful is that we have completely moved back to our house! If all goes well and as planned, we are switching treatments over to a different hospital closer to home. Rob will still remain under the care of our doctor here at St. B, but in a effort for us to be more self-sufficient we are going to be seeing more of Boundary Trails Health Center which is closer to home. Rob has chemo every 2 weeks, and so he is knocked down and out for pretty much a full week after his treatment. By the time he builds back his energy a little bit, he only has a couple of days to enjoy before it is time to head back in for another treatment.  We are looking forward to being able to be at our home for this whole time period then, especially as we are looking at a indefinite amount of chemo treatments to come. We are appreciative of all the people who would like to pop by for a quick visit, please be patient with us! We do miss seeing everyone, but since Rob has only such a short time while he's actually feeling okay, the visits are kept to a minimum for now.

We are still so thankful and always encouraged by all those who think and pray for us. God has indeed been merciful to Rob, answering the prayers of all those asking for some healing. We ask that you will please continue to remember him in your prayers, for we know that God hears them and has blessed us. In all things we know that He has a purpose for us, and we pray that that purpose might be fulfilled and that in due time Robs health may be restored to him.

1 comment:

  1. We give thanks for the good news and continue to remember you in our prayers.LOL
