Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Update #28

Good evening and hello all,

Felicia and myself met with Dr. Wong this morning to discuss the results of the CT scan that I had last week Monday. If you recall the last visit we had with him you may well remember that he (that is Dr. Wong) told us that the mass in my abdomen might possible be dead cancer or scar tissue and now this scan showed that is indeed the case. Dr. Wong said “it looks to be residual garbage or tissue” that is left over from the cancer I had. This last scan showed that the mass is still shrinking and that all my affected organs look to be normal size. At one point Dr. Wong would still like to see that mass removed so I will be getting CT scans every three months until the surgeons think I can have the surgery without it being life threatening or affecting any organs. Dr. Wong has come to the conclusion that the mass must be “residual tissue” because the mass is still shrinking on its own without treatment and because I am physically doing so well. Dr. Wong hardly recognized me and the nurses we met up with only knew who I was because they saw Felicia. In the next little while though I will be referred back to Dr. Bard to have a different surgery to remove the testicle where the cancer originated from because that is still cancerous.
 This is better news then we could have ever hoped for and though we still have some things to get through and possibly some surgeries yet we are so very much thankful and happy about all this. We thank our heavenly Father that He has so richly blessed us! The doctors can try and take the credit and can say that it is what they did through their knowledge and the chemo they prescribed but in the end we know that our Father has granted this and that He has answered all of yours and our prayers in the way that we had asked.  So let us remember to thank Him for all of this and also ask for continued healing and strength.

Rob and Felicia 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Update #27

Dear all, it has been pretty much exactly 4 months since Robs last chemo treatment and we have totally enjoyed the break from all the doctors appointments! Rob has steadily been doing better healthwise and we can almost say back to his old self. :) Now has come the time to have another test and see where things are at. Rob had a CT scan yesterday and we are eagerly awaiting results mid next week! Please pray for Robs health that the scan results may show positive news. Thank you ever so much.