Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Update #27

Dear all, it has been pretty much exactly 4 months since Robs last chemo treatment and we have totally enjoyed the break from all the doctors appointments! Rob has steadily been doing better healthwise and we can almost say back to his old self. :) Now has come the time to have another test and see where things are at. Rob had a CT scan yesterday and we are eagerly awaiting results mid next week! Please pray for Robs health that the scan results may show positive news. Thank you ever so much.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rob and Felicia: Thanks so much for the update and thanks be to our Heavenly Father that you are feeling so well. We pray that the tests may have positive results as well. It was so very nice to meet you both and that you had the health to attend the wedding of your brother and have a wonderful holiday together. Must have been so enjoyable after all the stress. Just wanted to share a small poem with you: Friends and prayers are priceless treasures, Beyond all monetary measures, And so I say a special prayer, That God will keep you in His care. Fred and I are going to Australia for 2 months on Dec. 10 to visit the children. So excited. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers there and on your updates. All our love Fred and Jane
