Hello all,
Hopefully all of you are in good health and enjoying this beautiful summer day.
Once again I write another update after a day of visiting doctors, getting blood drawn, filling out forms and trying to remember all that we have been told today. First thing this morning we met with Dr. Wong (I think I should start calling him Dr. Wight) who is my oncologist. Both he and his nurse, Erin, were very happy with how I was doing and how well I looked, Dr. Wong told us he was quite happy with the way things are going. The tumor in my abdomen has shrunk a little more but not by much and a couple of lymph nodes in my chest are still slightly enlarged and kidneys are also still slightly enlarged. Dr. Wong would like to go ahead with chemo again; I still will not be getting the Vincristine drug due to the ongoing tingling and numbness in my hands and feet. As of tonight we still do not know when my next round of chemo will be.
Going forward from here, Dr. Wong would like to talk to a surgeon here in Winnipeg about the possibility of surgery and if that surgeon doesn’t want to do the surgery because of the large size of the tumor in my abdomen then Dr. Wong would like to send me to Toronto. Dr. Wong feels that surgery is probably the best option here because the tumors are not responding well to the chemo but more just holding them at bay so to speak. Based on how I am still gaining weight (may it be ever so slowly), still have a very good appetite and how well I feel overall Dr. Wong has a suspicion that the tumor cancer cells may be inactive. If that is the case, surgery is a very good option; however the only real way for the doctors to confirm if this is indeed the case is if they operate on it and remove the tumor to send it for pathology tests.
Moving on a couple of hours we met with Dr. Bard, my urologist who put my kidney stents in last October. That appointment was a follow up of those kidney stents, which are typically changed or replaced every 3 to 6 months but can last up to one year. So on September 16 of this year I will have surgery to either replace them or remove them, Dr. Bard isn’t sure yet which will happen because he hadn’t seen my latest CT scan results yet. But either way the surgery is only a very routine surgery/procedure and I will be back home again the same day.
So, at the end of the day, after getting blood drawn twice, walking all over two different hospitals, seeing countless nurses and a couple of doctors, that is all we have learned. Well actually, that isn’t all we learned, today again we were remind of how faithful our Heavenly Father is, when we were talking with Dr. Wong he told us that he was surprised I was still alive. God has granted us so many blessings in the past year, that I was even able to receive treatment and that God blessed all the treatments, I responded well to them, I was able to leave the hospital, I could again live in my own home with Felicia again and that now He has even given opportunity for surgery now. How can we not give thanks? Of course there has been hard days, days in the hospital when everyone didn’t think I would make it, days that I can’t remember; days when we struggle with the whys and the uncertainty of life but every day again we are reminded of God’s continued care for us children. We could read in Psalm 68 today “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” And as we confess in Lord’s Day 1 “He also preserves me in such a way that without the will of my heavenly Father not a hair can fall from my head” but then we have to continue on with that “indeed, all things must work together for my salvation” and also believe what we read in Romans 8 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”We confess this is from Him, Lord’s Day 10 discuss the providence of God “...He still upholds heaven and earth and all creatures, and so governs them that ...health and sickness... indeed all things, come to us not by chance but by His fatherly hand.” We know that God is refining us; He has our ultimate good in mind, our eternal salvation. We don’t know what God all has planned for us in this and what His purpose is in all this but one thing we do know, He is drawing us closer to Him. He is teaching us that our life is not our own, not one little piece of it. He wants us to look to him for all things, body and soul. He wants our praise and adoration. And so as we also read in Psalm 68 “Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth, sing praises to the Lord, to him who rides the ancient skies above, who thunders with might voice. Proclaim the power of God, whose majesty is over Israel, whose power is in the skies. You are awesome, O God, in your sanctuary; the God of Israel power and strength to his people. Praise be to God!”
Rob and Felicia